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Space & Communications

Program Consulting/
Contract Monitoring


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Management Consulting

Advanced Programs Support

Program Consulting/ Contract Monitoring

Contract Engineering

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  • System implementation, monitoring, and operations
  • Satellite system, subsystem and component engineering and management
  • Manufacturing processes, assembly, and test engineering and management
  • Subsystem and system integration and test engineering and management
  • Satellite and launch vehicle launch site operations engineering and management
  • Launch, transfer, and mission orbit planning and support
  • Satellite anomaly investigations
  • Operation & maintenance planning and support
  • Commercial launch systems engineering and oversight
  • Product assurance and reliability

Another very important element of a space-based program is the procurement phase. It is generally this phase that determines the ultimate success of the program, from the technical, cost and schedule performance perspective. GS&C’s unique approach during this phase is to achieve a value-added benefit by focusing on the success of the project. In this manner, the curiosity, confidence and caring of experienced GS&C personnel leads to successful project conclusions in which all parties (Customer and contractor) win.

GS&C can provide experienced management and technical consultation, either as an integrating contractor, contractor monitor and/or providing technical expertise in specific areas. Areas covered include overall project management, product assurance, contract administration, design reviews (component, subsystem, system), manufacture of components (process, fabrication, test), integration and test of subsystems and systems, installation and acceptance of the ground system, launch and checkout of the satellite and system. GS&C’s staff and Associates also have experience in the design, interface and integration of today’s commercially available launch vehicle’s, and the conduct of launch campaigns and mission operations. Support is available in all technical and management disciplines, and GS&C can define a monitoring/ consulting plan to match the maturity of the program as well as the Customer’s budget. GS&C can also perform independent analysis at the part, component, subsystem or system level to confirm contractor conclusions if needed.

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Last modified: 16-July-2000